# Vue Events

# v-on directive

  • By adding v-on to an element, we’re essentially giving it an ear that can listen for events.

  • Attaches event-handler to event -> for all all browser events.

  • Run javascript Inside the string.

    v-on:click="javascript inside"
<button class="button" v-on:click="logic to run">Add to Cart</button>
<button v-on:click="age++">Increase age</button>

We are telling v-on what type of event to listen for: a click. Inside the quotes, place the logic (or method name) to run when that event happens.

If we write v-on:click="cart += 1", we’ll increment the value of cart by 1, when a click event happens.

# shorthand @

<button class="button" @click="addToCart">Add to Cart</button>

# Methods

# Triggering a method

add a method name to fire when the event happens.

<button class="button" @click="addToCart">Add to Cart</button>

add that method to our Vue app’s options object, like so:

const app = Vue.createApp({
  data() {
    return {
      cart: 0,
  methods: {
    addToCart() {
      this.cart += 1

added the methods option, and inside of that we added the new addToCart method,

you can also use


# pass arguments

<div @click="changeTitle('HTML-Title')">clickme</div>

you can listen for clicks on any object, not just buttons!

# Native Event Object


If an event happens, the called method will automatically get an Object as an argument, that describes the event

<input type="text" @input="setName" />
<p>Your Name: {{name}}</p>

methods: {
	setName(event) {
		this.name = event.target.value

# check type of event:
methods: {	
	handleEvent(e) {

if you have to pass an argument: and still need access to the Event-Object: use $event

 <input type="text" @input="setName($event, 'Mustermann')" />
methods: { 
  setName(event, lastName) {
      this.name = event.target.value + lastName


<div class="box" @mouseover="handleEvent($event, 5)">mouseover</div>
<div class="box" @mouseleave="handleEvent">mouseleave</div>
<div class="box" @dblclick="handleEvent">double click</div>
<div class="box" @mousemove="handleMousemove">position {{ x }} - {{ y }} </div>
handleEvent(e, data) {
	console.log(e, e.type);
	if (data) {
handleMousemove(e) {

# Toggle Status

@click="showPopup = !showPopup"

# Other Events: Mouse Events

<div @mouseover="handleEvent">mouseover</div>
<div @mouseleave="handleEvent">mouseleave</div>
<div @dblclick="handleEvent">double click</div>

# Mouseover

<div v-for="variant in variants" :key="variant.id" @mouseover="updateImage(variant.image)">{{ variant.color }}</div>
methods: {
  updateImage(variantImage) {
    this.image = variantImage

# Event-modifiers

# on-submit

submit is a default browser-event

<form @submit="handleSubmit">


submit prevent: use event modifier

<form @submit.prevent="handleSubmit">

other event modifiers:

  • .stop - just trigger click of this element, not the parent-element
  • .prevent
  • .capture
  • .self
  • .once
  • .passive


# mouse-modifiers

  • .right -> only right-click
  • .left, .middle

only on right-click:

<button @click.right="toggleModal">Open Modal</button>
<button @click.shift="toggleModal">Open Modal</button>

only on the element itself, not anything inside:

<div class="backdrop" @click.self="closeModal">

Also: modify the click on certain conditions. eg shift, alt

# keyboard-modifiers

  • @keyup.enter
  • .ctrl
  • .shift
  • .enter

# v-once

<p v-once>starting counter: {{ counter }}</p>
<p>Result: {{ counter }}</p>

value gets evaluated once, then it doesn't change